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Using Active Directory (Exchange) or LDAP to set up valid email addresses

This feature is available on the Basic, Standard, Enterprise and Reseller plans.

If you have a Microsoft Exchange server with Active Directory or an LDAP server, you can use our LDAP user sync tool to automatically setup valid email recipients. To get started, login to your SpamHero account and go to Tools > ldap user sync. Each field on the form has a "quick tip" that will pop-up to assist you in completing each step of the setup.

Schedule Automatic LDAP Synchronization

On the Standard, Enterprise and Reseller plans, you can configure automatic LDAP synchronizations at regular intervals so that new email addresses on your mail server are automatically added as email recipients in SpamHero:

When Automatic Synchronization is enabled, it is recommended that you turn off the catch-all setting for your domain.

Enterprise and Reseller Feature: Automatic Creation of Quarantine User Logins

If you have an Enterprise account or are an Authorized Reseller, an additional section will appear that enables you to set up quarantine user logins automatically:

Troubleshooting LDAP Syncs

When you click on the "Save & Sync" button, a synchronization is performed to ensure that your current settings will work. The most common error that is received when setting up LDAP synchronizations is:

The above error indicates that our LDAP synchronization server was not able to successfully connect to your Active Directory/LDAP server. If you receive this error, check the following things:

  • Make sure your Active Directory/LDAP server is running on the default port (389 for non-SSL connections or 636 for SSL connections).
  • Make sure your Active Directory/LDAP server is online.
  • Make sure your firewall settings are allowing the SpamHero IPs. See: Current List of SpamHero IPsOnce you have LDAP syncs working, you can view a history of LDAP syncs that have occurred using the history tab:

Last updated April 18, 2024