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To use our Outbound Service as a SmartHost for your Exchange server, do the following:

  • First, login to the SpamHero control panel and enable the Enable outbound smart host relay option on the Outbound > Outbound Settings page.
  • Next, on your Exchange server, load the EAC (Exchange Admin Center):

  • Navigate to Mail flow > Send Connectors
  • Click Add +
  • There will be a wizard that opens for New send connector. Enter a name that you will call this Send Connector.
  • For the Type, select Custom, and then click Next
  • Select the option to Route mail through smart hosts, and click Add +
  • In this new Add smart host window, enter the host name
    , and click Save
  • For Smart host authentication, select Basic authentication. The username is your domain name. The password is the one you set on the Outbound settings page under Smart host setup.

You can use a single login, which will allow all the domains on your account to authenticate, even if the domains aren't the same. As long as they are in the same account. You can also use a quarantine login or any account contact login to authenticate with if you enable the Enable outbound sending for quarantine users and account contacts option on the Outbound settings page.

  • In the Address space, click the Add + button. A window will pop up for Add domain, and ensure that the Type is listed as SMTP.
  • Enter * as the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), to ensure that this new send connector applies to all domains
  • Click Save
  • For the Source server, click the Add + button. A window pops up for Select a server, choose a server and click the Add + button
  • Click OK, and then Finish
  • Our outbound service requires TLS encryption (using STARTTLS). We have seen evidence that some versions of Exchange do not use TLS by default on port 25. To correct this, switch the port on your outbound connector as outlined in the next section:

Switching the outbound connector to use port 587 or 465

  1. Open the "Exchange Management Shell"
  2. Get the identity of the outbound send connector by running:
  3. Then, once you have the identity, you can change the port by this command (replace "SpamHero SmartHost" with the correct identity):
    Set-SendConnector -identity "SpamHero SmartHost" -Port:587
  4. If your domain has an SPF record, see: How to include SpamHero's IP in your SPF record.


Did this article accurately describe the process of setting up Exchange to send outbound emails through our service? If we missed a step, please let us know what version of Exchange you're using and what the additional steps were that you took so that we can improve this article.

Last updated March 8, 2022