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These steps are important to ensure that filtered mail skips the "junk" folder" and delivers to your Microsoft 365 account without delays.

SpamHero settings

Before getting started, confirm that your domain is configured to use the SpamHero static delivery IPs.

  1. From within the SpamHero control panel go to Settings > Delivery Mail host or use this shortcut:
  2. On the Delivery mail host page, switch your Mail host configuration to Mail host will only accept email from specific IPs or on a specific port. Doing so will ensure that we always use the same IPs to deliver your mail.



Microsoft 365 settings

  1. Go to the Microsoft 365 anti-spam policies page:
    If preferred, you can
    1. Login to your Microsoft 365 Admin Center (
    2. Click Show all > Security in the side navigation menu.
    3. Click Policies & rules in the left-side menu.
    4. Click Threat policies on the page
    5. Click Anti-spam (found in the Policies section of the page)
  2. Click the Connection filter policy (Default) row in the policy list (avoid clicking the checkbox)

  3. Click the Edit connection filter policy link

  4. Add each of the SpamHero IPs to the Always allow list

    You can find the SpamHero IPs in the SpamHero control panel on the Delivery Mail host page (under Settings > Delivery Mail host)

    1. Place your cursor inside of the input box, under Always allow messages from the following IP addresses or addresses range
    2. Copy one IP address at a time. After pasting an IP address, press [Tab] or [Enter] on your keyboard to add it to the list.
    3. After all IP addresses have been added (and all of them are highlighted), click on the Save button, in the bottom-left corner.

    Warning: pasting all of the IP addresses at the same time will cause the entire list to be silently ignored.

Upon saving, the final page should show the IP Allow list that was just added

If the IP addresses don't appear on the confirmation page, they weren't saved. That can happen if you fail to press [Tab] or [Enter] after adding each IP.

Last updated November 18, 2022